Low-rise Building on Yongjia Rd


Low-rise Building on Yongjia Rd

- Ground floor with additional 10sqm private patio.

- 1BR+LR+BA with 75sqm, Rmb13,800

- Located at Yongjia Rd cross South Xiangyang Rd, 10 mins walk to Line1/10/12 (South Shaanxi Rd), 12 mins walk to Line9/12 (Jiashan Rd)

- Features unique renovated with high-end appliance, central air-con and floor heating system all around.

- Open kitchen with oven, dish washer, hot water washing machine with dryer, embedded refrigerator, electronic lock, additional walk-in

- Located at the heart of Former French Concession, easy access to Yongkang Rd Bar Street, with numerous western restaurants, coffee shop, bars, shopping malls around, convenient for leisure time!

降价不降佣 永太小区 付佣一个月

- 永嘉路356弄22号101

- 一房一厅一卫 75平 租13,800

- 位于永嘉路近襄阳南路,步行十分钟至1/10/12号线陕西南路站

- 中央空调、全屋地暖、开放式厨房配烤箱、嵌入式冰箱、温水带烘干洗衣机、带步入式衣帽间、电子密码门

- 已空出随时看房,看房敬请联系Steven (请用手机拨打)




永福路二层小整栋可住家工作室 精装修 环


出租:高安路100弄9号102室 房型


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